About Jane Mara
Jane is a published author, researcher, management trainer, and executive coach who harnesses the power of intuition to address business and life challenges. She helps her clients rebalance their decision-making, reduce stress, and improve their overall health by integrating mind-body therapies together with detailed research to uncover key factors in individuals' wellness.
With a background in senior management roles within large corporate organisations, Jane's personal experiences with stress led her to deeply explore holistic health, emphasising the well-being of the mind, body, and spirit. Her expertise lies in researching, writing, and speaking about the role of intuition in both personal and professional life, training individuals to apply intuitive intelligence for more frequent "Aha" moments and insights.
Jane's first book, Intuition on Demand: Activate Your Intuitive Intelligence for Business Success, is the only book globally that extensively examines the role of intuition in decision-making across a diverse range of professionals, including business leaders, artists, emergency workers, and entrepreneurs. The clarity of her presentation led to her book being recognized by AFR Boss magazine as one of the Top 50 Management books for 2006. Her second book, Think Like an Entrepreneur: The Mindset of Success, published in 2017, outlines a methodology for achieving entrepreneurial success, with intuition as a critical factor.
Highly regarded as a keynote speaker, facilitator, and coach, Jane effectively communicates with individuals and large audiences alike. Her industry experience spans financial services, professional services, non-profit organisations, education, health and wellness, communication, infrastructure, the public sector, marketing, publishing, and advertising.
Qualifications: Postgraduate Diploma - Management (MBA) program - Macquarie Graduate School of Management; Facilitator for the Australian Institute of Management; Holistic Counsellor; NLP practitioner
Intuition on Demand – activate your intuitive intelligence for business success
Think like an Entrepreneur – the mindset of success
Hello and welcome - I train people to access and apply their innate ability of intuition to have more Aha moments and insights in their lives.
My career began in advertising, then in marketing and publishing. There, I worked with my intuition every day! In these industries, intuition, for clarity, knowing without knowing - was a valuable tool to have more insights – those so-called Aha moments!
Most of the time, this happens when we are not at a desk, or at work!
I valued and worked with my intuition every day, and when I ignored it, well…. there are many stories about that…….! When I studied an MBA, it was all about analysis and data, ignoring the way in which people made decisions, emotionally and intuitively. I wanted to know more…..
I conducted my own research published in my first book, Intuition on Demand in 2005 – I interviewed business people, entrepreneurs, emergency workers, artists, a mountaineer and a bishop to discover just how important and often life saving their intuition was in their decision-making.
I knew intuition could be improved and trained. And then I discovered that entrepreneurs are highly intuitive. In 2008, I met an academic who had researched serial [repeat] entrepreneurs globally. After studying masses of academic papers about entrepreneurship I arrived at the conclusion that there was a set of behaviours that entrepreneurs adopt when they create successful business.
I discovered that these behaviours are not conscious behaviours. Did you know we have 70,000 thoughts per minute, of which we are only aware of 5% – the rest is beyond our conscious awareness! You do not tell yourself to breathe or your heart to beat, consciously. This is the home of insights and intuition – those so called Aha moments. This led me to my own Aha – if you can unpack how entrepreneurs create their business success, you could then train people to adopt the same behaviours. My latest book, Think like an entrepreneur – the mindset of success details this approach and how you too can create your successful business and your life.
Why is this important:
Without entrepreneurs, our economies will not flourish and grow. Entrepreneurial thinking is the key to building creative industries and successful disruptive models. Our constant engagement with technology is not serving us well. It is time to acknowledge that creativity is not present in data and analysis which is based on historical viewpoints and actions.
Intuitive thinking comes from being able to tap into the deep source of wisdom that we all experience inside of ourselves to enable clarity and truth to emerge.
Have a read of the following interviews with leading thinkers on how to access intuition for clarity of decision-making.
Excerpt: Michael Rennie
Michael Rennie was the Managing Director of McKinsey at the time of this interview
Michael is a person who is very aware of intuition and uses it actively in his daily life. He expanded on this subject relating how intuition fits into the overall mode of thinking in his view:
I have come to realise that there are a number of different modes of thinking. There is a logical mode of thinking where you can sit down and work through all the pieces, which is a lot of what we do here [at McKinsey]. Then there is inductive and deductive thinking within that. We get trained a lot in those different thinking modes and how to communicate that to clients — that is a big part of the model here.
There is also feeling, and the more you come to realise that thinking is not just analytical/rational — [it] rather has an irrational and feeling component to it. So I have learnt to be quite sensitive to what I am feeling, when I am thinking, because the feeling comes first, often, and actually creates the thoughts. All the research seems to support that.
You start to realise that there is analytical logic and feeling. And there is an aspect of feeling, which can often be very logical and it actually directs you.
So when you go, “why am I feeling this?”, it actually directs you towards certain logic, or it can appear illogical and you can’t work out in the moment why you are feeling that. There is something going on that you need to be aware of, or take account of, and there is a deeper form of thinking. I call it intuition or knowingness. The way I think about it is very much a physics analogy. We have a Newtonian world of physics, which is large objects that move very slowly — zero to 200 cycles per second, and then you have the world of the quantum, which is very small objects moving at 500,000 cycles per second, and everything is operating in a quantum reality.
You then go into the deeper side, that there is actually, information. And everything that is happening is actually recorded as information in the quantum through wave action and theory. There is a way in which you can tap into the quantum. The logical is very much at the Newtonian level, and there is a quantum level of thinking, which is intuition. For me it is about tapping into the field of quantum energy — so how does that work?
It’s like a ‘U’. I did a lot of work with people like Otto Scharmerii, who has developed the Theory of U, when I was working in the States. It is a nice way of thinking about it. Essentially, the key to intuitive thinking, to me, is the physiology — three bodies — the physical, mental and emotional.
You have a physical body, the lungs, mental–emotional brain and nervous system. The feeling part of it - thinking - is happening in the emotional body, and then it is coming into the physical body as action, or the stimulus is coming from the emotional body. And there is a third body, which is an energetic body.
The key is how you tap into the third body, and the way you tap into that is essentially for me a two-prong process –— the first is that you have got to intimately connect yourself with the subject matter, essentially you have got to be in it, intimately.
Once you are deeply in it, it’s like the veils between the worlds — you have got to go into it, and there is a point at which you sort of let go into it, and you wait for what comes — it is like a small voice that comes to you.